Organisation of tenders

The organisation of tenders for works and supplies is the process of planning, announcing and managing tendering procedures to select contractors for specific construction projects or the supply of materials. This process is key to ensuring competitiveness, transparency and efficiency in the selection of contractors and in obtaining the best quality and price for products or services.
Here are the main steps in organising construction and supply tenders:

  1. Tender planning: The first step is to identify the needs and requirements for the construction or supply project, including the scope of work, technical specifications, deadlines and budget. Tendering procedures and tender evaluation criteria should also be established.
  2. Tender announcement: The tender should then be advertised transparently and openly, usually by placing an advertisement on specialised websites, the trade press or the Public Procurement Bulletin.
  3. Preparation of tender documentation: The tender organiser must prepare a complete tender dossier, which includes technical specifications, contract conditions, tender evaluation criteria, tender forms and any other necessary documents.
  4. Collecting offers: Potential contractors submit tenders in response to the tender announcement, in accordance with the specified deadline and the requirements of the tender documentation.
  5. Evaluation of bids: Once the deadline for the submission of tenders has passed, the tender committee proceeds to evaluate and compare the tenders according to the established criteria. This process aims to identify the best offer, taking into account both price and quality.
  6. Contractor selection: On the basis of the evaluation of the tenders, the tender committee shall select the contractor or contractors who will be invited to sign the contract.
  7. Negotiation and signing of the contract: In some cases it may be necessary to negotiate with the selected contractor to clarify the terms of the contract. Once the terms are agreed, a contract is signed.
  8. Order fulfilment: Once the contract has been signed, the contractor shall commence the construction project or delivery in accordance with the agreed schedule and terms of the contract.
Organising construction and supply tenders is a complex process that requires careful planning, strict control and compliance with legislation. Good management of the tendering process can contribute to achieving project objectives as expected, both in terms of quality and cost.
