Installation of a photovoltaic and heat pump system in the hospital building in Kamień Pomorski

Construction of a high-performance cogeneration source together with the necessary infrastructure in Chojnice
Construction of the steam Start-up Station for PGE GiEK S.A. Dolna Odra Power Plant Branch
Construction of a photovoltaic farm for MZK Sp. z o.o. on the site of the depot at ul. Chemiczna 8 in Zielona Góra
Construction of a biomass-fired power generation boiler at the Szczecin Power Plant

Construction of a flue gas desulphurisation plant for Blocks 5 and 6 at the Dolna Odra Power Plant

Conversion of OP-230 boiler into biomass firing together with construction of biomass unloading, storage and feeding facilities at Siekierki CHP Plant in Warsaw.

Budowa Zakładu Termicznego Przekształcania Odpadów Komunalnych dla Bydgosko-Toruńskiego Obszaru Metropolitalnego